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Face Reading: Physiognomy for Dummies

When we girls fall in love with a man, we usually lose our reason, intuition, common sense and ability to reason logically.
“Does he like me?”, “Does he perceive me as a woman or just as a friend?”, “How does he treat me?”, “What does he really need from me: just a sexual relationship?”. These questions torment, probably, all girls in love.

Fortunately, the most interesting science – physiognomy – comes to the rescue! With its help, as you know, you can learn to read the face.

Alisa Anisimova, a psychologist-personologist, expert-physiognomist, tells us how to do it.
So: read your face to see if he likes you.

Read the face, look at the eyes!

A man’s gaze, as a rule, in the first moments of acquaintance subconsciously focuses on those areas of a woman, which are in priority for him.
During the first contact, his eyes still moments “jump” to these same places.
What does physiognomy tell us about it?
On the chest – look those who are more inclined to physical contact (or married men who are not looking for a permanent partner).
Lips are given attention by romantics, who are focused on feelings of emotional drive.
In the eyes – look at people who care about your intelligence.
On the hands (shoulders) look, as a rule, sex-conscious people (or those who live a long time without sexual contact).
On the neck – manic or sadistic men.
On the thighs, men who subconsciously want to procreate with you.
And on the legs, men who are prone to bragging about their girlfriend to their friends.
It is important that we can use this analysis only when in contact with a man, because women use different criteria for evaluating the interlocutor, and therefore look at other fixation points.

Read the face, look at the pose.

Pay attention to his stance. How does he self-present himself?
According to physiognomy, if he slouches, it means that he will often “load” you with his problems. In you he wants to find a “listener”, a “vest”, a “tolerant interlocutor”.
If he is a little stomping his heel – this indicates that he is prone to bragging, which means that he will try to assert himself at your expense.
If your interlocutor is tense in the torso area and tries to control himself (postures, words), then he is insecure. Keep in mind: the way he communicates with you now is one thing, but later he may show himself in a completely different way (when he gets to know you better and relaxes).
If he jokes around a lot and laughs at his jokes, then he thinks he’s smart and definitely witty. This indicates a man’s somewhat inflated self-esteem and his tendency to show it off.
Gesticulation is a kind of backing up of words. Most likely, such a person is very emotional.
If the interlocutor is silent – this is an indicator that he is hiding something. And the sullenness of a man should lead you to think that he is capable of forceful influences.
If a man very often tilts his head – he is tormented by guilt for something.
Slanted men are characterized by unscrupulousness, and sometimes even insolence.
Hands to the sides – often a favorite stand ambitious and conflicted people.
And fidgety speaks of irascibility and impatience.

Read the face, listen to the voice.

Physiognomy pays attention not only to the external signs of a person, but also to his voice. Therefore, learn to listen to your interlocutor!
Smooth speech in most cases is a sign of adequacy.
Fast speech indicates a high dynamics of nervous processes, he is always in a hurry.
Accelerated speech is inherent in those who are afraid to appear “worse than it is in fact”.
Slow speech, speaks of the desire to impress you with his intelligence.
Affectionate speech is characteristic of people who want to seduce.
Cheerful speech is a demonstration of ease of communication.
Intermittently speaks a person who is worried and is not able to control himself, as well as about the pathology of speech and psyche.
Speech with words-parasites indicates an average level of development, high suggestibility and inability to feel their mistakes.
Speech with mat speaks about the cultural level of a person, his social self-perception.

Learn to read the face, but do not forget to pay attention to other features of the interlocutor, and then you will immediately realize whether your person is sitting across from you or not.

Author: psychologist-personologist, expert-physiognomist Alisa Anisimova,
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