1. Question:

What are psychological portraits like?

Psychologist’s response:
Psychologically, portraits can be categorized into:
general (multifaceted study of personality) and specialized (study aimed at achieving a specific task);
– using remote study of personality (at a distance without contacts, using video and photo resources, voice recordings) and direct communication (content-contact analysis, i.e. using a squeeze of the received coded information when observing the personality in direct contact, for example, conversation). In turn, content-contact analysis, can be divided into two types:
1 – passive type (observation with minimal participation and formation of positions, direction of conversation);
2 – active type (e.g., the use of the technique of successful approach, or the formation of behavior, which consists of reinforcement of such behavior, which is closest to the desired one.
– intended for psychologists (using special terms and designations) and non-professional psychologists (not versed in psychological terminology), such portraits are written in language accessible to the average person;
fundamental (thorough with inclusion of possible deviations) and souvenir (e.g., study as a gift!).

2. Question:

Hello! I am interested in the topic of character. If a person has a heavy character, can it be changed? To do this, we need to make a psychological profile?

The topic of character is a big topic. In short, character changes throughout life (it is polished, adapts, gets traumatized, etc.). If a person ostensibly remains unchanged – it is an erroneous external impression firstly, and secondly, he is simply not actively developing and going through life (in professional language there is a term – “loss of social interest” i.e. stop, cessation of normal development). Any movement affects us and changes us.
To change something – you need to understand its nature. Regarding the “heavy” character – we can rather state the concentration of qualities and traits in one person, which are radically different from the lifestyle of another. In other words, the incompatibility of the rhythm of life, style, temperament, character and his traits that – what we call “heavy” (implying the perception of such a person “from his own bell tower”).
A change of character is a different person. Ask yourself the question, do you need not this but another person? Maybe the question is to find another person, and this one is not needed? Thus, decide for yourself.
Now from the understanding of the word “heavy”, let’s talk about the psychological portrait. Psychological portrait of a person – is made to fully analyze the temperament, character, type of thinking, traits, aptitudes and much more, in order to decide for yourself how to be further. For example, if your mother, sister, friend, loved one behave strangely, i.e. have features not clear to you – psychoportrait will help you to understand them and coordinate your actions.

3. Question:

Hello! I know that character is part of the study of a person’s psychological profile. And harm is a character trait?


The structure of character expresses the attitude of a person in four positions:
1. to people, collective, surrounding society,
2. to work (for example: responsibility, initiative, etc.),
3. to things (e.g., neatness, stinginess, etc.),
4. to oneself (modesty or conceit, etc.).
Personality features that relate to character are called character traits.
Character traits are certain special manifestations of behavior that have become properties of the Personality itself.
Yes, harmfulness is a character trait.

4. Question:

Hello! Morphoscopic analysis is part of a psychological portrait or physiognomic analysis?

Morphoscopy is a complex of knowledge about “imprints” on the body (moles, warts, pimples and even bruise marks). Conditionally, it can be divided into 2 systems of application of this knowledge. The first part is everything that concerns the face, since the face is the field on which all the signs that allow to make such an analysis are located. And it is possible to limit oneself to this (but for this purpose one needs a good digital photo with the possibility to enlarge the details of the face).
The second part is to examine the body. For this you need to have a photo that allows you to see from all sides of the body of the person (open clothing, such as a bathing suit).
The first part of research – refers to physiognomic research, the second and complex of the first and second parts – to psychological portrait.

5. Question:

Hello! What does “social interest” mean? And what is it an indicator of?

Social interest is the degree to which a person is interested in the world around him. If we follow the definition – an innate desire to enter into mutual social relations of cooperation.
Social interest is an indicator of mental health. If it is low – you should reflect and outline the problems, perhaps seek help from a specialist. If it is too high, it also does not exclude problems. In any case, it is advisable to determine this together with a professional, especially if you have suspicions or tendencies in this matter.

6. Question:

Hello! How can a healthy person be characterized? Are there any clear points to be able to define?


Yes, there is. I will cite what I think are the best definitions of psychologist Allport on the subject of adequately describing a healthy personality or what he called a “mature personality”:
1. A mature person has broad boundaries of the self. Can look at himself “from the outside,” is active in work, family and social relationships, has hobbies, is interested in political and religious issues and anything else he considers meaningful.
2. A mature person is capable of warm, cordial social relationships. (Varieties of warm interpersonal relationships two that fall under this category are: friendly intimacy and empathy).
3. The mature person demonstrates emotional unconcern and self-acceptance. He has a positive view of himself and thus is able to tolerate both disappointing or irritating phenomena and his own shortcomings, without becoming inwardly embittered or hardened, is able to cope with his own emotional states and this does not interfere with the well-being of others.
4. A mature person demonstrates realistic perceptions, experiences, and claims. Mentally healthy people see things as they are, not as they would like them to be. They have a healthy sense of reality.
5. A mature person demonstrates a capacity for self-knowledge and a sense of humor.
6. A mature person has a whole life philosophy. Mature people are able to see the whole picture due to clear, systematic and consistent identification of what is meaningful in their own lives.

Hopefully these definitions will help you understand the essence of a healthy person. However, there are disorders and various deviations, which are called borderline states, accentuations and altered states of consciousness. Only a psychologist can determine their presence, in some cases only a doctor.

7. Question:

Hi. Which is more effective – reading a book on psychology or training on one focused topic? There are trainings on psychological portraits?

These are completely different things. Let’s compare.
Training is a targeted and primarily practical lesson for you. It is for you. It is a practice that teaches you how to do exactly what you need to be able to do.
A book is a source of knowledge that gives you the definitions and theory of the lesson.
It is more effective to take the training, and then, if you still have questions, read the book, which will finally consolidate and put everything on the shelves in your head.
As for trainings on psychological portraits – these are rather individual lectures on comprehensive study of personality. After all, each person has his or her own criteria for analyzing a new person, so the approach should be individual.

8. Question:
Hello! It happens that the psychological portrait made up does not quite correspond to what you see in life?

Drawing up a psychological portrait is a work based on a comprehensive study of a personality. If the psychologist uses good methods and covers all spheres of life of the person under study, the portrait is decent, structured, complete, and, as a rule, meets all criteria.
In addition, such work provides an opportunity to identify what has not been observed in the person under study before (and up to now), what can manifest itself in certain situations, heredity, due to the influence of external factors, emotions. That, in fact, is the purpose of ordering such work. And if you do not notice something in a person, it is not a fact that it does not exist.
To such work, should be taken seriously, take into account the recommendations and features. After all, the forecast is based on facts that are already fixed in every part of the studied personality and are obvious to a professional.

9. Question:
Hello! Does a psychological profile determine a person’s psychological health? Or is it aimed at identifying disease manifestations?

Psychological portrait is primarily aimed at a comprehensive study of an individual personality. No special bias towards the definition of “health” or “illness” is pursued (all the more so because it is a more medical competence to define illnesses and diagnose them). Elements of clinical psychology are present in the work, as well as portrait projections include predispositions to diseases and disorders – but not with the aim of fixing health/disease. Psychologists do not work with psychiatric patients, there are physicians for that purpose. Psychologists work with healthy people, people in altered states, overstressed people, people who have been traumatized, people who are simply confused or who have chosen the wrong path, etc.
The main purpose of the portrait is to study by various criteria the peculiarities of a person, to make predictions of reactions and to determine the propensities. But what these manifestations will be, whether they will be painful or those that indicate a healthy personality – it depends on how the person under study turns out to be.

10. Question:

Hello! How to determine the psychological or physiognomic portrait of the personality I need to order?

In fact, it’s not difficult. It depends entirely on what level of study you are interested in. Physiognomic is “face reading”. You will learn a lot of interesting things about a number of areas of that person’s life.
Psychological portrait is a complex where physiognomic study is part of the general study of personality. It covers the analysis of texts, specificity of movements and gestures of a person, combines many methods of study on many parameters. It is the deep work occupying more forces and time.
Thus, if key parameters, basic predispositions of the person, potential and peculiarities are important for you – your choice is physiognomic portrait.
If deep analysis and a wide spectrum – your choice is a full psychological portrait.

11. Question:

Hello! Should anything special about the life of the person being studied be mentioned? For example, is it important that the person has a history of trauma?

In fact, everything you can tell is important. Though psychotraumas leave imprints and they are visible, as they say “the result is in your face”. However each remark, comment, information made by you when ordering a psychological portrait and which you consider important – are of great importance.
After all, every detail is taken into account. If, for example, you point out a mental trauma and as a consequence – a change of something in a person, it will be much more effective to find the best way. After all, a psychoportrait is not telepathy, but learning “bit by bit”.

12. Question:

Hello! I am interested in the topic of the so-called “female mask”. This is an image in which a woman lives and cannot reveal herself. Does psychological portraiture deal with this?

That’s an interesting question, thank you. “Women’s masks” or images, role-playing and other things – fall under study during the psychological profile. In addition, if you directly focus on it – you will get this answer more expanded and studied from many sides, including prediction and the best option for you.
In addition, the topics of psychological defenses and communication difficulties are close in realization. In the portrait it is indicated and deciphered.

13. Question:

Hello, I ordered a specialized portrait from you. THANK YOU! It completely removed all the problematic issues I was concerned about. I, together with you, practically prevented a deception that would have made me very upset. And it is always possible to determine, as you said, the “key” propensities of a person, as in my case, to deception?

If these aptitudes are really key and pronounced – then sure. If they are hidden – it takes longer, but is not more difficult. If they are present in a complex combination (split personality / altered state of consciousness) – they are predictable.
Our task is to identify and prevent, to foresee. And yours is to listen and not to stumble, not to fall.
Thank you for your gratitude. It is pleasant that we helped you.

14. Question:

Hello! In our culture, the term “psychologist” was absent, at least, the word was often associated with illness. Now, we are just getting used to the new terms bit by bit. I’m 58 years old. My life is settled, I must say I have mastered the computer and cell phone! I’m proud of it! But to get over myself and go to a psychologist – I just can not. And it’s not that I’m ashamed, it’s just that I, a mother of two children, can’t cope with my own problems? But it can be so hard, at times, that it is just hard to “load” people around you, and there is no reason to open up – everything happens to turn against. How to be a person like me? Nina Sergeyevna.

Hello Nina Sergeyevna!
Yes, you are right. In our culture there was no such thing, so people perceive with certain difficulties the necessity of addressing to “an unknown person with an important but delicate problem”. If there is a disease – go to the doctor, and heartache, fears and problems – it will pass by itself.
But thanks to the dynamism of our present time and the possibility to get information through the Internet (a successful user of which you are), people have discovered important knowledge in the field of psychosomatics – in other words, how our thoughts and attitudes, temperament and character affect our diseases (quite serious organic changes in the human body !!!), conflictology – how conflicts destroy the family and age psychology – how the pressure from adults makes painful perception of our children of the world around them, harms their well-being. We learned about the new threats of the new world – where the task of the human body is to adapt to existence without harming the whole organism (and the psyche is its main part). We have determined that harmony and mutual understanding (directions of social, family psychology and psychotherapy) is the main thing in human communication. Thus – we are gradually moving in the direction of “social and moral acceptance of the psychologist as a specialist and consultant in difficult life situations”. The young generation is making significant progress in this direction!
As for you, Nina Sergeyevna, it seems to me that after the computer and the telephone, the appeal to a psychologist in connection with any disturbing B

15. Question:

Hello, I would like to order a psychological portrait of myself. I just need to understand some questions about myself. Do I need to specify that it is mine and not someone else’s?

Yes, it is important for this reason.
The thing is that we always focus in our work on writing a psychological portrait of a person from the position of studying a person as such, with whom we are going to communicate and, therefore, we give recommendations on communication with this person.
If it is YOUR psychological portrait, then we will give you recommendations of other character, more useful directly for you, for example: what to pay special attention to, what is excellent, and what requires work and what kind of work, as well as how to present yourself favorably.
In addition, at your request, are ready to offer you options for self-improvement in certain areas. So we are waiting for your order. We will do our best and gladly help you!
Besides, you can order not a psychological portrait of a person, but a profile portrait (on the problem that you are concerned about). In this work you will receive both a psychological portrait and refraction purely on your problem.
So it is obligatory to specify your portrait or not.
Thank you for your question.

16. Question:

Hi. What if professional counseling and making a psychological profile of a person won’t change them anyway?

Order our service “Gift Psychological Portrait” on the occasion of any holiday and tell us about your problem. We will try to help you to draw the person’s attention to what feelings and sensations he/she causes in people around him/her and how this may affect his/her further life in general.

17. Question:

Hello! Tell me, and if a person is prone to infidelity, it is a psychological portrait determines? And is it possible after receiving the work in hand to correct the order in terms of setting a new task, within the framework of the previously completed work?

Treason is a form of betrayal. It comes in many different forms. If you are interested in something specific, for example, physical cheating, a lover/loved one of your favorite person of the opposite sex, not honest attitude in the financial sphere, malicious intent, tendency to double life, etc., as well as causes, consequences and conclusions – you specify it in the order. We will pay special attention to this.
The customer has the right to direct the specialist in the direction he is interested in. However, it should be done before the order is formed, i.e. you should know what exactly you want to know (except for a full study), what emphasis should be made and on what, what qualities/behaviors of the person, maybe, you are confused/anxious.
The customer should realize that this is a deep serious work involving a multi-layered process. So you can set a new task, after receiving the already completed work in the form of a new order, which we will gladly fulfill for you.

18. Question:

Hello! Please define the terms pathology, and physiognomic pathology in a psychological portrait?

It is derived from the Greek word pathos – suffering, disease. Pathology – translates as the science of morbid development, development of abnormalities.
Hence, physiognomic pathology, taking into account that meaning of words from Greek physis – nature, and gnomon – knower, or as it is also translated “knowledge of signs of nature” (science of reading a person on a face) – it is possible to understand as expressed on a face development (presence, obvious presence) of deviations, development of deviations.
In psychological portrait – these concepts are used at definition of presence of deviations at the studied person (there are many techniques and methods), and in physiognomic portrait – by visual methods, more often by method of analysis of presence/absence of such deviations.

19. Question:

Hello! Should I write a cover letter with my wishes and preferences to the psychological portrait order form? If such letters are written to you, what are their contents?

Would be grateful to you for this, as it would make the work more coordinated in the direction of study, highlight in more detail the problem you are concerned about, set a path to its solution.
Yes, such letters are almost always written, thank you so much for that!
Basically, people describe situations in which there is a misunderstanding in interpersonal relationships, the behavior of the person under study, his individual actions. They describe traits that they do not like in the person under study, his taste, some manners. Often ask questions about the problem of choice and decision-making by the person under study.
You need to describe what embarrasses you or perhaps bothers you, makes you nervous, frustrates you or surprises you (out of the usual behavior on the part of the person under study), etc. Your task is to select and identify key “oddities” or desires on your part.
There is no limit to the size of the letter.
We will be glad to help you!

20. Question:

Hello! I once ordered a psychological portrait from a psychologist. He took a substantial amount of money and gave me 3 pages of general text. How can I preliminarily determine that this is a serious work, not a scam? What is the deadline? Help! I need it for work! Ira.

Hello Irina! Yes, now there are indeed a lot of all kinds of unscrupulous “businessmen”.
Let’s go in order.
Three pages of general text is not a psychological portrait. Psychological portrait is structured information, with points, subparagraphs, where each indicator is described in detail. There are many indicators, from 50 to 100. Such work takes up to 100 pages, but not less than 20.
It really cannot cost little. This is a very heavy work of deep and detailed study, requiring the time and effort of a psychologist.
The seriousness of the work – if for some reason you are in doubt (after complying with the above) – can be determined by visiting the site or office of the company, where you can ask in detail about this work and its existing options.
As for the term of writing – this is a matter that is discussed with you and a common solution is found. For example, if it is urgent – one term, if you are not in a hurry – another, if there are a lot of orders and you will be put on the record in the queue – this is the third. But all this is agreed directly with you and you regulate the relationship. Otherwise, no one will not start work without your notice and consent.
If necessary – we will be glad to help you!

21. Question:

Hello! Should only a portrait be taken as a basis for communicating with a person?

Actually, it is always desirable to consider everything.
If you have communicated / are communicating with the person under study – you can analyze actions, words, relationships. If you have not communicated – you can use remote methods of studying a person. If you both communicate and study remotely – you have an opportunity to compare, to think over the strategy of relations.
After all, a huge advantage of having a psychological portrait is that this work can reveal what is not manifested (but present), was not noticed or taken into account by you, what you consciously or subconsciously close your eyes, what you doubt – but in reality it takes place. Comprehensively explain what you could not understand, explain, clarify for yourself.
Always use the maximum means to achieve the goal. Do not limit your possibilities and then, you will get a comprehensive picture of the event.