
Then you need a profiler!

A visit to a psychologist is nothing new and has been in demand among different social strata and age groups for many years. It has become a precautionary measure and prevention of mental disorders caused by emotional and information overload. And it’s perfectly normal to “pump yourself up” for weak moments. No need to prove how it works, everyone knows. There are even people who don’t want to go to a psychologist because they realize that they won’t always get help right away, because therapy undoubtedly means time, effort, searching for and finding solutions. And as always, there is no time… because life is changing too fast. So, do you want results right away? Then you need a profiler!

We have already introduced the reader to how profiling works. It is a unique and comprehensive psychological and diagnostic tool that helps in working with people and in business. Now we will talk about an individual consultation. Consultation with a profiler. What is it and how does it work?

You have signed up for a consultation with a profiler:

If you are scheduling a consultation for the first time, you agree on a time and briefly describe the issues. The profiler tells you what photos and videos you need to bring.

You go for a consultation:

A consultation is always a solution. The profiler will look at the people you are interested in and give you a psychological portrait right before your eyes (he does not need descriptions or documentation from you), and the profiler will describe the position of these people clearly and precisely at once – risks, features, priorities, business relationships, steps, hidden moments. You will gain unique knowledge.

The profiler’s ability to analyze quickly and accurately is the result of years of practical experience and high-speed saccadic perception (micromimic skin breaks, facial markers, irregularities, shapes, attitudes, and other things in the photos and videos you provide). This analysis, which takes a few minutes, gives you the opportunity to evaluate the situation from a new and different perspective. You will receive information that will have a significant impact on the situation and your ability to make the right decisions. You will understand what has happened/is happening very quickly, analyze the actions of these people towards you, and have the opportunity to ask unexpected questions and get important answers yourself.

For example, popular questions:

  • If we open a new massage studio together, will we work together? Will he not cheat me in financial matters?
  • If this person joins the project, how will our cooperation work in terms of clients?
  • How can I influence this gentleman if he constantly consults with the accountant’s wife about everything?
  • The head of the department doesn’t want to fill these positions, and the replacement doesn’t meet the deadline, so I’m losing income, what should I do?
  • He is not serious in negotiations, how can I get him to a productive meeting?
  • My partner is not grateful that I do more than he does, what should I do about it?
  • What are the weaknesses of this person in tomorrow’s negotiations?
  • How can I prove my intentions for this office?

This innovative tool will strengthen your business position so much that you will have a new resource for decisions. You will be able to solve complex problems, even those that seemed impossible before.

Profiling consultations can also be provided for private requests, such as relationships, friendships and partnerships, neighborhood and self-development, and the development of children and adolescents.
One of the most popular topics is career guidance, where you can find a job that you like and is financially profitable based on your inclinations. Or a hobby that restores energy and psychological resources.
The profiling consultation lasts an hour and a half. During this time, you will analyze the behavioral “portraits” of the people you are interested in (up to 12 people per consultation), find answers to all important questions, and outline the most effective action plan. This consultation will help you to properly organize your concerns and get case studies of solutions. Using the profiler’s advice, you will get interesting crisis management and results on how to restore processes and further effective development of your business and life in general.


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