An article in Women’s Stuff magazine
We follow astrological forecasts, study and compare zodiac signs, try to calculate the meaning of names and birth dates. In general, we try to collect as much information about ourselves or people we are interested in, relying on generalized characteristics and average portraits. Meanwhile, each of us is individual and does not have a complete analog in the whole world. So maybe then it makes sense to look at your individual psychological portrait! And the special science – physiognomy can help us in it.

My light, my mirror, tell me….
Physiognomy gives us an opportunity not only to receive answers to questions, but also to change something in our character, behavior, in our life. If to change these or those features of a face, changes in character traits will inevitably come. By the way, it is worth paying attention to this and amateurs to correct their appearance with the help of plastic surgeons. For example, whether your loved one will be happy that together with plump lips you will acquire new character traits – some promiscuity, capriciousness? But after a qualified consultation, you can, through changes in yourself, to change the attitude of others to you, to emphasize your strengths and remove weaknesses. In general, your happiness is in your hands, or rather, on your face!
Catherine GOLOS