Photo by kelisa Bernard on Unsplash

Physiognomy in business

Webinar Program:

1. Business Physiognomy.
2. Age and the business field. Peculiarities of Personality of young businessmen.
3. Groups in business and physiognomic features of these groups. Physiognomic typology of people, their behavior and character.
4. Causes of conflicts and their independent solution (including assessment of the situation – methods of personal growth). Control. Self-control. Psychological defenses.
5. Positioning of oneself with the help of physiognomy.
6. Physiognomic diagnostics. Questions of safety of the self and analysis of potential danger.
7. Practice.

Conditions of participation:

July 11. Broadcasting time (Kiev time): 16-00-20-30.

16-00-18-00, 30 minute break, 18-30-20-30.

You can be in any country, the main thing is to connect to the Internet and plug in headphones with a microphone. You will receive an e-mail with a link to the virtual classroom, where you can learn, see and hear the trainer, perform cases, use the materials, actively participate and save the recording of the webinar in which you participated. Video recording of an hour-long presentation by Alisa Anisimova on “Physiognomy – a useful and necessary tool in personnel selection” can be downloaded here.

The cost of training 50 u.u./380grn./1545 rubles. (payment option any: account, webmani, card). Payment before July 8. If you pay before July 1 – 10% discount. For 2,3 participants from one company + 25 u.u.

Upon completion of training: Certificate.


«Staff Studio Online»

Katerina Penkova is the project manager.

[email protected]

Skype: katerinaps

mobile.: +38 (097) 902 91 07

mobile.: +38 (068) 440 80 88

More in:Webinars