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Publication of Alisa Anisimova in the magazine “Domashniy ochag”. 12.2010

Our heroine, Alisa Anisimova, has such a job: to read the face and help people find their self. She is a physiognomist…

Face reading

Nothing goes unnoticed – everything leaves traces.
My favorite childhood hobby was searching for them. At that time I had not yet studied personality and had no idea what physiognomy was. I was interested in analyzing things that others did not pay attention to. For example, at school I tried to understand why one person has rounded letters in words and another person has pointed letters?
Does one person’s handwriting slant to the right and another to the left? I knew there was an explanation, but I didn’t understand how to find the key to it.

Steps of destiny

I knew exactly what I was going to be, so I entered the Psychology Department of Kyiv National T. Shevchenko University. However, the real event that determined my fate was the study of closed methods of physiognomy – I became the only one who was selected for training. Physiognomy is a science that allows to determine the type of a person’s personality, as well as mental qualities (innate and acquired) based on the analysis of characteristic features of his face, psychology.

I have no right to disclose these techniques – they are passed on exclusively from teacher to student, they are not written about in books. I can only say that this category includes the method “Lightning” – instant assessment of a person in three seconds, allowing to characterize a personality completely, the method “Lo”, demonstrating positioning of a person and his social role, and so on.
Of course, I realized that it would not be easy to master physiognomy, that it would take a lot of hard work. Certainly, it would be much easier to study only its separate directions – business physiognomy, color separation or a brief system of visual diagnostics, which, for example, HR-managers use in their work. But I didn’t want to miss anything! I really liked that physiognomy has a clear structure, applied nature and, most importantly, is 98% effective. What could be better? In addition, physiognomy is based on medicine (in particular, dermatology, psychiatry, therapeutic diagnostics, traumatology, plastic surgery), psychology, psychosomatics, bioenergetics, personal development, criminology (psychology of the criminal), makeup, imageology and political science.

Physiognomy is not fictitious “facial signs”, as some people think, but scientifically grounded, structured into theory and practice of knowledge. It is a huge scientific toolkit, a lot of experimental works, and diagnostic data. It took me more than six years to master them. Today I am the only expert in Europe on physiognomy, the president of the International League of Psychologists and Psychotherapists.

The face of science

Many people give physiognomy occult properties, but actually it is a factual science which states what is here and now. It does not give forecasts and does not make predictions. There is no psychic and magic in physiognomy. The physiognomist fixes what is on the face now. Another question is that the mechanism of analysis is incomprehensible to people and it is difficult to explain it. Therefore, when people ask me:
“How did you analyze it now?”, as an example I cite the study of the Japanese language. Why is the sequence of writing a character exactly like that? Because it is based on experience, knowledge and rules that are fixed in the subconscious. So is physiognomy. It gives out facts and peculiarities of the past and present development.
The central point for the expert physiognomist is the face of a person. The face is something that we create ourselves, because each of us has a certain thinking and experiences emotions during the whole life. All of this forms muscular reactions that leave traces of our experiences. In other words, if we are often sad, we eventually develop a sad face. Because of this, psychological changes also occur – we become a depressed person.

Today, many people resort to the help of plastic surgeons to correct facial imperfections. However, few people think that surgical intervention is a relatively easy way to change yourself psychologically. It is much more difficult to work on internal qualities for a long time to become, for example, kinder and more sociable. If a person will work on himself and begin to change psychologically, the new qualities will appear on the face without surgery. On the other hand, if a person has an operation and remains the same as he or she was, all wrinkles and folds will come back, and much faster than it seems.

My mission

The knowledge I gained at university, during my internship in a psychoneurological hospital, as well as studying more than 3,000 practical methods of physiognomy, was embodied in one of my first large-scale projects – I created the Center for the Study of Personality (CSP). Unlike the majority of psychological centers, which practice only psychological portraiture, CSP is engaged in scientific work. We research various phenomena, develop new techniques, provide counseling, and help people. We have a website, where you can read articles about physiognomy, ask questions and get qualified answers, participate in webinars (online seminars).

My main professional task has always been the study of science, its development and practical application of the acquired knowledge. And the longer I am engaged in physiognomy, the more I am amazed by its efficiency! With its help it is possible not only to learn about peculiarities of personality, its inclinations and possibilities, but also to diagnose various, even hidden, diseases and, what is especially important, to get rid of ailments effectively.

That is why I have a lot of grandiose plans. I dream of creating a clinic on the basis of CSP, where experts in different fields would work. For example, in sound therapy. After all, certain sound vibrations can break even a malignant tumor. And concrete steps on the way of realization of this task have already been made: a training course on preparation of experts in the field of physiognomic analysis has been written, a search for capable students who are ready to become practicing specialists after training is being conducted. I am lucky – I have already found two worthy successors to whom I pass my knowledge on bioenergetics and emotional state of a person.

Know thyself

As a psychologist-personologist and expert-physiognomist, different people turn to me for help. And the questions they ask also concern different spheres of life. Now one of the most popular directions is drawing up a psychological portrait: for example, a compatibility portrait – I analyze two people to understand whether they are suitable for each other. As a rule, I work on it remotely (I use high-quality photos for this purpose). This way it is more effective, because in a face-to-face study, a person’s words and emotions often distract from an in-depth analysis of his or her personality.

Everyone who has decided to order a psychological portrait or diagnosis should be ready to get out what they have been carefully hiding for many years. And from experience I can say that many people are simply not ready to hear the truth about themselves. Some do not even realize that their hidden problems can suddenly become known to someone, and even in the smallest details.
I was once asked by a famous woman to talk about the “signs” on her face in front of a large audience. She assured me that she had no secrets. In the end, my answer shocked her – she could not believe that she could read on her face that her spouse had cheated on her! However, I must say that a physiognomist cannot force a person to be happier or healthier (psychologically, physically or emotionally). The choice to be or not to be, everyone makes for himself.

I am often asked the question: is there something else in a person’s personality that is a mystery behind seven seals for me? I very much hope that there are many more such mysteries and that they will be enough for the rest of my life, because the irresistible desire to unravel them is the meaning of my work and further development.

Article published in the magazine “Domashniy ochag” (Ukraine) 2010 December,

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