Photo by Peter Herrmann on Unsplash


The purpose of the training is to provide an introduction to the science of physiognomy and practical research into the study of Personality.

A special highly effective technique of “rapid information perception” developed by the Center for the Study of Personality is used.

Conducts training:
Practical psychologist-personologist, physiognomist, business consulting professional of the Center for the Study of Personality (CSP).

Target Audience:
The training program is designed for the age group of 19 years and above.

Form of training:
Group classes (no more than 8 people), in person (Kiev), business center.
By agreement – individual classes.
Materials are provided by a psychologist – personologist.

Before the training it is advisable to provide the following information about yourself:
1. date, month and year of birth,
2. gender,
3. 2 electronic photos of the participant – for preliminary physiognomic diagnostics in order to determine the leadership potential.
4. Pre-registration is mandatory!!!

Language of Instruction:


Term of study:

The first introductory lecture – 4 hours and 15 minutes (those who wish to continue training – choose a direction and form a separate group for the next training).

The day of the week is Saturday

Cost of training:
The cost includes: coffee break (15 minutes), training materials and an electronic abstract (which is sent to the participant’s E-mail after the training).

Program of Study:
Introduction – to physiognomy,
Physiognomic phenomena,
Study of personality on examples,
Physiognomic diagnostics of consciousness and subconsciousness of each participant individually.
and much more.

Practical skills are acquired on completion of tretting:
An ability to understand physiognomic blocks and an understanding of the human system and structure from a learning perspective.

More in:Physiognomy