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Handwriting, facial expressions can tell you a lot about a person

Facial expressions and handwriting give you insight into a person, but can they help you recognize the next serial killer or determine that the guy or girl you’re secretly crushing on is also attracted to you?
Maybe, but not likely. Physiognomists – specialists who analyze facial expressions – and graphologists – those who analyze handwriting – don’t promise miracles.
But they claim that their skills can reveal a lot about attitudes, old traumas and even a person’s hidden desires if you study the right clues.
Alisa Anisimova considers herself the only real physiognomist in Ukraine. She doesn’t stop doing it.
“When I go to a restaurant to eat a salad, I unconsciously start analyzing who is who around me, whether they are potentially dangerous for me or not. I analyze the waiter’s mood and dig into their life problems,” Anisimova says. “It’s almost impossible for me to live a normal life.”

Experts like Anisimova say that almost every part of the human face and almost every letter in a person’s handwriting has secrets to reveal.

Eyebrows are responsible for temperament and hidden desires.

A prominent chin can characterize its owner as a leader and a person who strives to win.

Even the haircut and beard give clues.
Anisimova says a person’s face gives away life events. “Various moral traumas are the most expressive,” she says. “Moral traumas related to pressure will reflect on the forehead, traumas related to cruelty will leave traces on the eyes and between the eyebrows, depression can be read on the lips, and the general attitude to life can be determined by the chin and neck.”
Another expert in graphology and physiognomy, Grigory Semchuk, says that a person comes into the world with a set of facial features that change, for better or worse, depending on how a person lives their life.
“I’m not a fortune teller, I can’t tell if this person will kill someone tomorrow or not, rather why they killed someone in the past or if they have the ability to kill,” Semchuk explains. “Diseases are also very difficult to detect with both graphology and physiognomy, unless they have already changed appearance.”
According to Anisimova, physiognomy and graphology have already begun to attract public attention in Ukraine.

“In Ukraine, physiognomy is used mainly by large corporations that deal with large volumes of some products and fear that their intellectual property or some products may be stolen,” she explains.

Yuriy Gorda, director and owner of the E-matras chain of stores in Kyiv and Donetsk and a regular client of Semchuk, says they have been turning to him for help since 2006. “We always, without exception, turn to him for advice when choosing new employees,” says Gorda. “He analyzed our records, we were shocked by what he said and decided to apply it to our recruitment process. Mostly we don’t make decisions on our own, only on his advice.”

He explains that company employees usually conduct the first interview themselves by simply talking to the candidate and asking him or her to handwrite a resume. Later, what is written is analyzed by Semchuk.
“Graphology is not moralizing. It’s pure psychology, but much more detailed,” Semchuk says. “I can say very specific things – whether a person can steal or not, whether he is a coward or not, whether he is hungry for money or not.”

The work pays well if you manage to find clients. Anisimova charges up to 1,000 hryvnias per consultation. “I do it every day, and it’s normal for me,” she says proudly. Semchuk charges much less – only 240 hryvnia per session.

Semchuk took up graphology and physiognomy in 2001, after earning a degree in physics and continuing his studies at the University of Effective Development, where he met his teacher and mentor Vladimir Taranenko. Anisimova is more secretive about her studies, saying only that she worked with international experts. She also makes more of an effort to make her profession seem complex and reserved for only the well-trained.
Semchuk and Anisimova say that both graphology and physiognomy have a wide range of sophisticated techniques used to analyze both writing and a person’s face.

“There are many parts of the human face that are very informative, there are less informative, and the same goes for writing. Some letters mean a lot, others mean almost nothing, unless there is something unique about the way a person writes them,” explains Semchuk. “What I can tell people is usually what they choose to hide even from themselves,” Semchuk says. I’m not saying what people want to hear.” The main goal of graphology and physiognomy is to get to the bottom of what is hidden from view.”

Kyiv Post staff writer Daryna Shevchenko.

Author Daria Shevchenko

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