
In the swimming pool (profiler observation)

Using the profiling system of analyzing muscles, physique, and movements, you can tell quite a lot about a person.
Men and women differ not only in gender, but also in behavior. Let us follow, for example, the visitors of a swimming pool.

How do men behave?

Intention 1
Came for a swim

Walks into the visiting area with confidence. Greeted with special attention, but only with those he respects. And he respects those who work on themselves as he does.
There is no ease, but there is a desire to show ease by actions (so that his work on himself will be appreciated). And actions start with warming up. Arms, hips. Some do push-ups and squats. Obligatory movements of the head. If it is a “demo”, then the place chooses such that it was visible from all sides of the resting space. After preparation goes to the shower, after – carefully puts on goggles and a rubber cap. Carefully observes the rules of the pool. Does not look at others (!). Makes sure he is not disturbing anyone. Dives into the pool.

Typically jumps into the pool and professionally practices all swimming styles. Does not overexert himself, gets out of the pool and goes to the locker room. Not interested in other people.

Intent 2
Came to seek the attention of women

Walks into the pool in a bathrobe and at the entrance looks at the presence of “targets”. Evaluates by looking 4 to 6 seconds up close, then selects one or two “interesting targets”, turns away, and heads off to choose a sunbed or a seat at the bar. His comfort zone is to observe and show himself at his best. A very important step is to show emphasis on himself, this way he makes it clear that he is valuable to the “targets”.
Can warm up muscles, but slowly.
Main markers: safe load. Does the exercises that succeed best, i.e. demonstrative.

Goes down the ladder into the pool. Can jump, but carefully. Practices swimming semi-professionally and professionally, often stops and observes the situation.
Interesting “targets” may be “accidentally” touched. But it is “accidentally.”
Not intrusive, except that it may smile. Is not completely sure if he “really needs it?”, so he waits for a response from those he is interested in.
Nervous, distracted by new women, considers “competitors”.
Exits the pool cautiously and is replaced by the procedure of “walking” in a circle and demonstrating either himself or evaluating others.


Intent 3
Came to overcome some complexes, has perceptual problems or disorders of other behavioral nature

Emphasizes attention to those around her. Considers. More immersed in the state of others than in his or her own. Listens. Slow. Seeks annoyance because he is ready to accept it.
Shuffles from foot to foot before entering the ladder. May spend a long time looking at something on his phone. Paying attention to other men, their weight, age, figure. Looks around, noting whether they came alone or with women.
May smile sarcastically when looking at others. Is impolite.

Appears to be worried. May puff up cheeks, swim slowly, look around. Stops in the middle of the lane for no reason.
Swims without knowing the basics and is not willing to learn because he is not sure of the outcome or the need. Or is sure he is the best.
After a swim, hesitantly walks out and puts on a robe and looks at how others are swimming. A “wandering” look, with thoughts somewhere far away.

Slow. Takes up space, more than needed. Walks around naked for the purpose of showing off. Ready for aggressive conflict.
May shave, cut hair, waxing and other procedures not provided by the establishment.
Tends to accuse someone of something.
Overhears conversations and tends to interfere. Gives advice, sometimes even interfering with strangers’ conversations on the phone. May discuss coaches, including aggressively.



How do women behave?

Intention 1
Came for a swim

Has an athletic leotard that is as closed as possible. Uses a mat. Observes the rules and requirements. Warm-up, mandatory cap, goggles. Slippers are compliant (not slippery and safe). Does not like someone swimming in the same lane. Makes a remark. May even complain. May demand respect from others for her skill and effort.
Is distracted by herself. Observes the environment. If sees a pro or a good swimming style – most often moves farther away.
Does not wear perfume. Does not apply makeup or cream. Nails, however, are fine. Hair is cleaned up.
Takes a shower after warming up. Sets timers on watch for sport swims and monitors heart rate.

Practices movements very diligently, constantly analyzing. Immersed in the process and gets annoyed when distracted. Swims technically.
Does not dive unless rubber cap is present. Practices with a trainer whenever possible.


Intent 2
Came looking for attention from men or to show off her shape

Comes alone. Makeup. Revealing outfit, perfume. Doesn’t shower. Behaves in a showy manner.
May ignore rules and staff comments, seek help from male strangers instead of turning to coaches.

Jumps into the pool without a rubber cap. Splashes around. Laughs loudly. Excessively “clumsy.” Drops slippers anywhere. Can swim with them, keep them in the aisle.
Swims slowly. Looks at people around her. Can smile at different people while swimming.
Goes up the ladder slowly, stopping and disturbing others.
Does not approach men, stays at a “favorable distance”.
Long wipes himself with a towel after leaving the pool. Walks slowly, swaying hips. Looks around more often than she looks under her feet.


Intention 3
Came to overcome some complexes/markers of having psychological problems

Doesn’t follow the rules. On the contrary, does everything against them. Ignores the interests of others. Can be boorish. Aggressive looks. Negative mood or unpleasant smile. May scrutinize strangers closely.

Swimming is not emphasized. Goes to sauna, hot tub, orders cocktails. May abuse the attention of coaches and visitors, delaying the time of training.
Swims nervously and briefly. Talks loudly, both on the phone and directly.
Aimed at displays of aggression, or “it’s everyone’s fault.”
May begin brushing near the lanes (not in the locker room), wringing hair and flapping it directly while swimming.

Has a very large amount of makeup, throws her belongings around. Walks around undressed for relatively long periods of time without reason or purpose, naked watching some of her correspondence and taking selfies.
Uses sprays with strong odors, ignores others, making them uncomfortable. Gives active self-massage, jumps around the locker room. Sings songs in the shower stall, after which an incredible amount of foam ends up outside the stall.
Examines female visitors and may even comment on the behavior of others.
Does medical and hygienic procedures not provided by the establishment. Sometimes quite explicit.


Your profiler Alisa Anisimova


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