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Dr. Lightman’s profession: how to become a psychologist-physiognomist?

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Do you want to become a professional Dr. Lightman and see people through?
Who is a psychologist-physiognomist?
Many skeptics are sure that the situation shown in the series “Deceive Me” is pure fantasy. Well, can an ordinary, even a very educated and erudite man like Dr. Lightman at one glance to see through a person?!

We asked our expert-physiognomist, psychologist-personologist Alisa Anisimova to tell the whole truth about her profession. And here’s what we learned….

The way people perceive each other largely depends on their profession. For example, a dentist looks not only at you, but also at your smile, the shape of your teeth…. And a hairdresser unwittingly evaluates you in terms of style and styling …
An expert physiognomist… hardly looks at you at all. A look lasting no more than 3 seconds is enough for him to fully reveal the spectrum of a person’s personality structure, including its obvious and hidden deviations, psychological traumas (treason, betrayal, deceit, etc.), character, diseases (of any type), emotional state, mood and many other things. It is very energy-consuming for a physiognomist, therefore he does not look at a person without special necessity.

Physiognomic expertise includes a whole range of sciences (from forensics to medicine, from makeup to plastic tissue changes, from skin diseases to systemic lesions of the organism at the cellular level, etc.). That is why physiognomic expertise is studied for more than 9 years.

Workdays of a psychologist-physiognomist

The working day of an expert-physiognomist consists of theoretical work (so-called practicing) and practical analysis of personalities (direct working out of orders for drawing up psychological portraits or correction, work with real clients). The number of persons for training practice is from 100 to 150 persons per day! And 100 persons is a mandatory minimum. It is for this reason that a specialist of this level can be trusted.
But practical work, with real orders of people, is a very responsible and multifaceted matter. People are not always aware of what exactly can be learned about them, and boldly ask questions. Nevertheless, it is better to work with an expert not during a training session, but one-on-one, with the help of a psychological portrait of the individual.

Psychological portrait of a personality is a form of work of the expert on physiognomy with the client, which includes full or combined diagnostics of a personality and all its components, and also structural personal analysis. Even in brief analysis of structure of personality it is possible to find: abilities of the person, his temperament, character, will qualities, emotionality, motivations, social attitudes, state of psyche, energy level and traumatization, features and general problems…

Psychological portrait of personality has a huge advantage in comparison with other methods of work with the client, because the person, having received the conclusion of the specialist, can at any moment reread and analyze it and thus monitor changes in his personality.
After familiarizing with such work a person thinks how much he does not know about other people, even those close to him. After all, such moments come to light, which, as he thought, to reveal impossible or about which he did not even know. Previously unknown information allows him to answer some internal questions.

Why go to a physiognomist?

One of the popular directions in practical work of an expert-physiognomist is studying of compatibility of people (couples, friends, family, children and parents, boss and subordinate).
People are interested in problem questions in interpersonal relations, reasons of conflicts coming from difference of systems of thinking, views, perception of each participant of these relations. Compatibility includes a lot of special and general criteria, has its unique parameters for each individual case at different stages of their development.
A detailed look at the personality spectrum of each person in the relationship is unique. And their compatibility is also unique. Expertise in principle does not accept templates and typologies.
The problematics of lie, on professional language of expert physiognomy called “propensity to lie”, is also very demanded direction. After all lie is constantly used in all spheres of human life, has levels and features. For many its presence or absence plays an important role. But for qualitative work the expert-physiognomist should clearly understand the purpose of the analysis on a lie – it is within the limits of professional direction or personal, whether it is constant phenomenon or episodic…

All in all, it’s tough being an expert physiognomist, but very interesting!

Author: Alisa Anisimova, specially for

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