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Т. Kandelaki and E. Grishkovets – physiognomic expertise of Personality

Today, I suggest to speak about a direction of physiognomic expertise which is called very difficult: “physiognomic-personological psychological portrait”. And despite such frightening name the essence of this direction is drawing up of psychological portrait of Personality of the person by means of diagnostics/study/analysis of his face using tools of scientific – practical physiognomy.

It is unique work which is executed by the expert – physiognomist of “Center for the Study of Personality” ( and contains full structure of Personality, including weak and strong sides, potential, abilities, emotional condition, propensity to lie, career orientation and even physiological and psychological illnesses.

Of course, in its full form, such information is confidential, so if we talk about publications, the data are given that do not violate the integrity of the issues subject to non-disclosure (section “K” – this is closed information provided only to the person studied himself).

The huge plus of direction of such physiognomic-diagnostic work is that it can become effective push for the person in the direction of improvement of itself, personal growth, as the psychological portrait of Personality – shows those problems which for today bother the person.

Demonstration of possibilities of such scientific direction will be more correct on people popular and known to a number of countries. Thus, I suggest to consider a part of brief psychological portrait of Tina Kandelaki (popular TV presenter), and Evgeny Grishkovets (famous director, playwright, writer) based on the analysis of their faces.

Tina Kandelaki’s facial exam

Ironically, Tina Kandelaki was trained in medical school as an oral and maxillofacial surgeon. And it is this “facial block” that has a leading role in the formation of her Personality.

Tina is a warrior by nature, able to independently organize her desires into practical events. Will plays a great role in her Personality (for formation and strengthening of which the lower jaw area and muscle connections including the “chewing muscle” are responsible for), as the will sphere is a group of masculine features of the Personality and its predominance (as in Tina) – speaks about endurance of such a person, inclination to conquer and achieve the desired, previously set goals. It is important to know that it is the training of the group of “will muscles” that can harden the character of a person with initially weak willpower.

Tina has an unruly and somewhat rebellious character (about what the peculiarity of her sight, capable to switch quickly and to concentrate on object speaks), and consequently everything that is against her will – causes internal conflict (and reinforcement of rebellious components accordingly) of external display (i.e. looks in life as active opposition from her side to not desirable). The block of conflicts is, as a rule, a female block in examination and personological physiognomy. But in case of Tina Kandelaki – this block is very flexible and with essential “skew” in masculine-I. And consequently, she is quite capable to solve disputes and conflicts physically, supporting a conflict also emotionally.

She has a high level of tactile sensations – Tina is comfortable trying everything by touch, contacting people by touching them. Thus, she subconsciously establishes an invisible contact – especially if you want to reduce conflict in such relationships.

Ambitious and demanding to others (of a wide spectrum), replaced by gentleness and the ability to concentrate on small things are the abilities to switch and adjust to situations. It is these qualities that help her succeed in her career.
However, Tina’s personality has hidden features, namely her subconsciousness is directed to the collapse of what is, followed by the establishment of their own rules. That is, a person subconsciously starts “reformatting the situation” in his own way, setting the basic input parameters, which can also be directed by her against herself. Thus, her Personality Structure is quite strong, but also capable of destroying her own inner world. It is for these reasons that Tina may quite often feel the need or reassess values.
She is a very sociable person who can play with words. The construction of thoughts is very fluid, she is an intellectual capable of exerting pressure with words (which also belongs to the masculine learning block). And the speed of saying words is a female characteristic, which in the context of her masculine self is very complementary to communication.
As we can see, Tina is a strong, resilient, emotional person, inclined to Personal Growth and constant development – mostly in quick spurts.

Yevgeny Grishkovets – mimicry expertise

In order the analysis could show possibilities of expert estimation from different sides, in contrast to diagnostics of Tina (where the face was analyzed complexly) – we shall analyze Evgeny Grishkovets from position of his facial expressions (or as they say in expert physiognomy – “mimic forms”). Mimicry is modeled on the basis of diagnostics of facial wrinkles and their forms. But we will discuss a little bit the Personal structure.
Besides it is necessary to notice that Eugene has very essential section of information “K” which we will not touch.

So, it is the Personality creative (a great number of arc-shaped wrinkles above eyebrows) with analytical way of mind essentially differing from standard analytical thinking (about what the horizontal straight wrinkle on the very middle of a forehead slightly going upwards on the left side of a face speaks).

Scandalous unconventionality of the passive type (the sign of which is a tendency to look from bottom to top with a fairly level gaze, concentrating the gaze and studying the opponent), active attention (tendency to squint in a certain way) and restlessness in creative impulses (frequent change of facial expressions – its high dynamics during the creative process) – leading in his Personality.

If we talk about the Personal structure – then according to the circular type his subconsciousness is reinforced by new episodes for creativity received through consciousness. I.e. a person has creative talent, taste and creative perception of reality, which requires constant development.

One of the features of Yevgeny Grishkovets’ facial expressions – he likes to draw attention to himself (demonstrative), which is indicated by several forehead wrinkles located closer to the bangs on the left and right sides. But he does it not intrusively for others, modestly interesting them with new views on ordinary details – thus causing an emotion of interest.

He attaches special importance to details, as every little detail can reveal the essence (he often demonstrates the complexity of emotional and mimic reactions of the face – i.e. he can display feelings, emotions, moods on his face – at the same time without overlapping wrinkle groups, which in principle not all people can do). Besides, she has a very well-developed acting talent – as evidenced by the muscular flexibility of the face as a whole.

The peculiarity of his Personality – he can cause pain to others, and sharply and unexpectedly, which for him sometimes becomes a surprise.

Expert Isiognomist,
Center for the Study of Personality (CSP) (
Anisimova Alisa

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