Photo by Bernard Hermant on Unsplash


Training in PHYSIOGNOMICS, PSYCHOLINGVISTICS AND NEVERBALICS in the area of personal and business communication.
This training includes: lecture part + active dialog with participants + practical part, where your new knowledge will translate into useful Skills.

Purpose of training:
Practical experience in applying techniques of physiognomy, psycholinguistics and non-verbal techniques in business communications and personal communication.

The training utilizes:
the highly effective “rapid perception of information” technique developed by the “Center for the Study of Personality”, as well as methods of rapid memorization developed by the Center for Rhetoric “Speaker”.

The training is conducted by:
Practical psychologist-personologist, expert – physiognomist, professional in business – consulting “Center for the Study of Personality” (CSP) Anisimova Alisa.
Psychotherapist of psycholinguistics and body therapy, consultant on business communications and recruiting of the Center for Psychological Support and Personal Development “Sobesednik” ( Lukyanova Arina

Target Audience:
The training program is designed for ages 19 and up.

Form of study:
Group classes (no more than 8 people), in person (Kiev), business center.
By agreement – individual lessons.

Language of instruction: Russian.

Term of study:
First introductory lecture – 4 hours and 15 minutes
Those who wish to continue training choose a direction and form a separate group for the next training.

The day of the week is Saturday

The price includes:
coffee break,
electronic summary of the training (sent to the participant’s E-mail after the training).
author Arina Lukyanova’s book “Stories of One Day” as a gift

Program of Study:

Block 1
Introduction – to physiognomy,
Physiognomic phenomena,
Study of personality on examples,
Physiognomic diagnostics of consciousness and subconsciousness of each participant individually.
and much more.

Block 2
1. Introduction to psycholinguistics
2. Psychological personality types – how to hear them in negotiations?
3. Classification of speech types: oral and written, dialog, monologue, speech, agitation, persuasion, correspondence, telephone conversation and more.
4. peculiarities of written speech, word placement and punctuation.
5. Persuasion through proper choice of role pair in communication.
6. The triangle of argument.
7. Tropes for speech embellishment: metaphors, epithet, synonyms, catachresis, etc.
8. Practical exercises:
– Articulation and breathing
– Quick memorization and reproduction
– Improvisation
– Logical line of speech
– Emotional equilibrium of speech

Block 3
1. Nonverbal communication – its weight in the communication paradigm and its relationship to the subconscious mind.
2. Body language in static posture.
3. Body language in dynamic tension (walking, running, sports)
4. Body language in conversation – its specificity of use and perception by the interlocutor.

Practical skills are acquired at the end of the training:
Being able to deal with physiognomic blocks and understanding the system and structure of a person from a learning perspective.
Understanding what we say and what it means to our interlocutor.
Effective management of our gestures – the ability to be persuasive at the level of instincts and intuition.

More in:Physiognomy