Your career: face prediction. Part 2
A little science
Natural desire of everyone is to use physiognomic expertise as practically as possible. Thus, having passed the first stage of expert-physiognomic analysis – diagnostic work and revealing of problems of the Personality and their reasons, people aspire to proceed to the second stage – to order “the decision of a question”, namely the system of overcoming of that which prevents them to lose their own problems.
I should notice at once that people, conditionally, can be divided into two categories. The first one identifies by means of physiognomy the reasons of their problems and, knowing about them, does nothing (except for steps of acceptance of a problem and resignation with it). And the second – revealing the reasons, actively acts, bringing oneself “in order”. Against this background, everyone should think about their attitude to their own problems (true causes included) and subsequent actions within the framework of their own steps to normality. Experience shows that there are always steps, but it is important to formulate them correctly before realization.
The system of overcoming of the revealed problems of the Personality itself, in a classical way, passes in two stages. Both stages are unique for each Person, as physiognomic expertise of each person is unique. Thus, the expert-physiognomist forms both systems proceeding from diagnostics of Personal structure and revealed problems. The first, theoretical – formulates tasks on problems and terms of their elimination. The second stage, practical – it is work of a person on himself (author’s note – examples given in the article are strongly cut down, as confidentiality of diagnostics and correction of studied persons is observed).
As the second stage is the most difficult, there is a choice of its passing, for example – independently (as a rule, it is rare); with the support of an expert-physiognomist (face-to-face counseling, telephone counseling, support by Skype / e-mail) – a popular direction of work on oneself, as the most effective; work in a group on physiognomy (special training of closed format with supervision). The choice is made on the basis of complexity of each case and possibilities\ desires of the diagnosed person.
Specifics (direct expert profile)
Returning to our heroes and recalling the diagnosed facts, our primary task is to identify the problems and their causes. However, taking into account that this is an article and it will be read by a large number of people – we will have to leave this block “behind the scenes”, as information of this kind is confidential and can be provided directly in person. Therefore, we go straight to the objectives.
Our hero needs to understand whether he wants to change himself and what exactly makes him uncomfortable. This will be the answer to the question “why change himself?”. Given the huge number of areas for correction identified by the examination, I suggest choosing one for an example. For example, there are moments that prevent him from earning money – and it is important and interesting to talk about it.
Stage one is to systematize the sphere of his decision-making. That is, he needs to go through a complete reassessment of values in this direction (how to decide, how long, why, to what extent, etc.). Identify minuses, pluses and gaps. In a particular case – it is recommended to do this partly in counseling work, after that – in light supervision, as he needs guidance and stimulus.
The second stage is to build a schedule for fighting laziness (but with a different guide and incentive). The third stage is to trace the correlation between “my personal benefit” and “the benefit of the company” (or partners, clients, customers). Having passed these stages correctly – the income of our hero will increase, as the practical understanding of the goals of earning will come and his consciousness will be corrected with the necessity of his own coordination in personal growth. That is, he will want a real job, his own, which will satisfy him financially and psychologically, will give him the opportunity to feel established, self-realized.
After that – it is necessary to define in the sphere and stabilize himself according to the personal formula, namely to come to the ratio “like work” + “like earnings” = “I can do it, as it is mine and I have everything for it”. After that – you will be drawn to study (it can be reading professional literature) and clear financial prospects in earnings and terms of achieving specific goals in employment will emerge!
As for the heroine – the main emphasis here should not be on career, but exclusively on personal life.
It is important for her to set the right accents. Determine the need and place of a man in her life. The first stage – the role of a strong man and the role of a weak man in her life (whom she attracts in relations, how she does it and why – on the basis of her present physiognomic-personological features). The second stage – her role in the relationship (her role in marriage/union), her pros and cons, mistakes and excesses. The third stage – acceptance and work on her weaknesses.
In this situation – it is enough to be limited to writing a written physiognomic-personological portrait of the Personality, consultations – if necessary or in case of questions.
After the correct passing of the stages – stabilization and balance of personal life will bring both in career and social life internal manipulators of personal growth, the question of creativity and creating a cozy nest! However, it is highly recommended to give the heroine an additional short course-training on “Identifying Male Lies”, as she tends to believe the wrong men, and they can take advantage of this.
P.S. After passing the stages or starting to work on yourself, you should analyze fresh photos, these already lose their relevance.
Expert-physiognomist, Psychologist-Personologist of Center for the Study of Personality
Anisimova Alisa