Photo by Artem Kniaz on Unsplash

Psychological portrait – children’s direction

Career guidance for children

Child’s age:

From the age of 7 and no restrictions

Order fulfillment time, excluding weekends from the day of receipt of the order for processing:

By arrangement

Mandatory requirements for composing a paper:

Completed test, Gender, Photo, Date/month/year of birth

Price in UAH per one work:


Purpose of the work and additional information:

The work is compiled on the basis of special personological and physiognomic methods, using a photo of the child and a career guidance test.
The aim of the work is to find out what kind of activities the child under study is inclined to, what kind of work/activity will suit him/her in the future, in what profession he/she will achieve real success.


Child’s age:

From the age of 7 and no restrictions

Order fulfillment time, excluding weekends from the day of receipt of the order for processing:

By arrangement

Mandatory requirements for composing a paper:

Completed test, Gender, Photo, Date/month/year of birth

Price in UAH per one work:


Purpose of the work and additional information:

The work is prepared on the basis of special personological and physiognomic methods, using a photo of the child and a vocational guidance test.
The purpose of the work is to find out what professional features the child under study possesses, what kind of a leader, subordinate, etc. he/she will be. And also in what conditions it will be more comfortable to work (alone, in a team, other).

Aggression and psychological trauma

Child’s age:

From the age of 7 and no restrictions

Order fulfillment time, excluding weekends from the day of receipt of the order for processing:

By arrangement

Mandatory requirements for composing a paper:

Completed test, Gender, Photo, Date/month/year of birth

Price in UAH per one work:


Purpose of the work and additional information:

The work is compiled on the basis of special personological and physiognomic methods, using a photo of the child and a career guidance test.
The purpose of the work is to identify the causes of aggressive behavior and childhood traumas, the consequences of which are faced by parents and others. The recommendation part is attached.

Physiognomic analysis of the child’s Personality

Child’s age:

From the age of 7 and no restrictions

Order fulfillment time, excluding weekends from the day of receipt of the order for processing:

By arrangement

Mandatory requirements for composing a paper:

Completed test, Gender, Photo, Date/month/year of birth

Price in UAH per one work:


Purpose of the work and additional information:

The work is compiled on the basis of special personological and physiognomic methods, using the child’s photo and vocational guidance test.
The purpose of the work is a comprehensive study of the child’s personality (character, peculiarities, predispositions, inclinations to diseases, etc.).

Combined work – psychological portrait of the child’s Personality
(short and full versions)

Child’s age:

From the age of 7 and no restrictions

Order fulfillment time, excluding weekends from the day of receipt of the order for processing:

By arrangement

Mandatory requirements for composing a paper:

Completed test, Gender, Photo, Date/month/year of birth

Price in UAH per one work:


Purpose of the work and additional information:

The work is prepared on the basis of special personological and physiognomic methods, using the child’s photo and vocational guidance test.
The purpose of the work is a comprehensive study of the child’s personality (on all parameters, including career guidance, character, peculiarities, predispositions, inclinations to diseases, etc.).

The work can be brief and complete

More in:Psychology