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Your career: face prediction. Part 1

Your career: face prediction

It happens that people know exactly who they will work as or what profession they want to learn. Such “definition” of a person, most often occurs, for example, when analyzing the work of their parents, parents of friends, on the basis of comparisons obtained from social life (the same movies or cartoons) or just a dream about this or that profession. I recently consulted a little girl (7 years old), she knows exactly in which branch she will work and why (she saw a book on landscape design at home from a classmate and caught fire with the profession, as for 3 years she has been drawing and sculpting from plasticine using different materials exactly designs, as she says, “around the house”, not realizing that there is such a profession). Now happily buys the appropriate, and technical literature and already knows how to properly use the professional vocabulary of her future labor direction. And the person is only 7 years old…

But there are people who don’t know what to do, but who can’t find their niche in a field, or a field in their predisposition – in general, they have everything complicated. Many people never discover their talents, and many people spend their whole life trying to achieve success in the field that fashion or the case of “successful employment” has imposed on them, even though they can’t stand the profession. We will not touch the material factor, as it always creates difficulties in choosing “I love it” and “it pays better” – which often painfully affects a person’s condition at any age.

Physiognomic expertise allows to reveal groups of talents, problems, abilities, predispositions or, simply speaking, everything that prevents or promotes a person to find himself in the sea of professions. This is diagnosed and revealed by muscular contractions of the face, indicating a person’s abilities, will, thinking system, his creative potential and creativity – as a separate phenomenon. That is why it has become so popular to apply to a specialized company “Center for the Study of Personality” ( for such a service as “career guidance” (determination of groups of abilities for certain professions).

Usually, people discover a lot of new things, as the expert group identifies not only the direction of professional success related to the abilities of a person, but also the reasons that hinder self-actualization (illness, addictions, fear), the elimination of which contributes to a sharp breakthrough in the development of the Personality and the disclosure of its potential in the career (simply put – career growth).

Usually, peer review is confidential information because the data contains personal information about an individual. But was approached by two people who are ready to give an example of a brief expert assessment and do not mind being told about their abilities and potential (briefly, of course) to a multimillion audience. Naturally, the problematics of their diseases or problems will not be specified in the article, but only when they personally address the expert. So, we offer you a brief practical excursion into the career world of our volunteers.

So, a young man – is the owner of a flexible character, able to adjust to communication with opponents. Manipulator of the semi-concealed type. Not a bad communicator, can irritate others.
He is concrete and receptive to innovation, ready to experiment. Does not particularly welcome conflicts, does not like to delay the process on the part of others. But he is ready to defend his position and slow down the obligations given to him (especially the issues of payments).

Quite often enters the so-called “search phases”, which are a compensation for his monotony, which he appreciates very much with all its pressure on his psyche. He is quite self-organized, though somewhat lazy just before the outcome of a matter, often triggering moments of control. He believes that serious work should be compensated by serious rest.

He has aptitude in procurement, construction, sales and negotiation. He would do well in logistics. He is interested in technical aspects and new technologies. He is quite capable of representing the interests of the brand in the region, of concluding service contracts.
It is hard for him to give monotony, but he goes a long time to financial guarantees, which significantly affect the state of his health.
Quite well would realize himself in the sales of video surveillance systems, sporting goods, equipment for the production of something.

Has a system of thinking with practicality and his own advantage – at the head. But as for trust – he does not trust anyone, so it is not recommended to build a partnership business for him (either full management or work with organizational issues with subordination to one manager). In addition, there are a number of factors that significantly prevent him from self-realization optimally, but this information is not for printing.

A representative of the fair sex, has a strong predisposition to journalism, writing information, copywriting. In this all – is drawn to pedagogy, children and the problems of these areas.
Her other direction of self-realization in her career is fitness, teaching (here pedagogy finds its realization in practice as well) of fitness and development of special exercises for different groups of consumers (it should be taken into account that today she is energetically weakened and can not independently establish energy-obmmen without the direct participation of sports).
The third area is recruitment. But an important point is the fact that she has some problems with the arrangement of personal life and it is this factor comes to the forefront today in the construction of her career. And until the personal problem will not find some way out, the direction of the career will stay without revealing the potential in full. For full self-realization – she needs a strong man, accepting the fact that she must intellectually develop in the work.
Has an aptitude for foreign languages. Self-organized, executive, productive and diligent. However, attention should be paid to sleep, it is not enough.
Does not feel comfortable in all countries. For her psyche it is fundamental. Restorer of the balance of perception – is the twilight, she simultaneously rests and mobilizes at this time of day.

Physiognomy is a powerful tool for recruiting and helping people to find themselves in their careers. So take advantage of its possibilities, they will help not only you, but also your children (it is optimal to determine the profession for a child from the age of 7-9).

Psychologist-personologist, expert physiognomist

Anisimova Alisa

Hero’s Commentary.

I never really trusted all those psychotherapists, so I was quite skeptical about the experiment. When I read the expert’s commentary, I was very surprised. Alice really described my character quite accurately. I don’t know how she did it, but she guessed everything. I have actually worked in both construction and sales, and represented a brand name in the region, just like she said! And I really am constantly on the lookout. I get bored of sitting in one place and start looking for something else.

Heroine’s comment.

I’m shocked! First of all, I actually practiced journalism. Second, I graduated with a degree in psychology and education! Third, I now work at a health club! How could you have guessed all that??? I also agree that problems in my personal life for a long time prevented me from focusing on my career. I really always dreamed of a strong man who would support my desire to develop. But now the situation is changing for the better, and I anticipate positive changes. I was pleasantly surprised by the news that I am predisposed to learning foreign languages. I will have to give it a try!

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