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Training “Effective decisions for managers: subordinates, partners, managers (peer leaders)”

Personal effectiveness of me as a leader.

– Physiognomy in the field of self management.
– Strengths and weaknesses of your management. Correction.
– Practical techniques of physiognomic expertise in decision making.

Supervisor-subordinate system.

– Techniques of physiognomy in interaction with subordinates.
– Methods of selection and diagnostics of personnel with the help of physiognomy.
– Motivational indicators. Level and specificity of motivation of subordinates.
– Business – practice of physiognomic expertise.

Interaction with partners.

– Interaction control and management system.
– Establishment of interaction boundaries.
– Evaluating the effectiveness of cooperation. Building functional relationships with partners.
– New partners. How to “sell” the idea of partnership.
– Former partners. Express test for functionality.
– Permanent partners. How to increase functionality and expand the boundaries of cooperation.
– Business – practice. Identification of partner’s weaknesses and vulnerabilities.
– Analyzing your advantages.

Peculiarities of “manager – manager” interaction.

– Business – physiognomy in the system of analyzing a peer manager.
– Features of interaction of line managers (work with peers).
– Assessment of the real situation of interaction.
– Technologies of influence and manipulation.
– Competition. Cooperation. Diplomacy.

Mixed groups – business solutions.

– Combinations of relations: equal – partner, subordinate – partner, subordinate – former partner, etc.
– Physiognomic analysis of relationships. Problems and conflicts. Predictions.


– Physiognomic modeling of systems of relations, practice, work with situations of participants.
– Artificial pressure of the situation. Simplification. Detailing.
– Library of examples.

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