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For Children

Training “I am a designer”

PRACTICAL business success training for children in the direction of “I am a designer”.

The child will receive comprehensive knowledge in the direction of “original solution”, learn creative techniques, advertising tricks and much more – which will help to reveal his potential and coordinate further development in a promising direction.
Works with a child: Practical psychologist, professional in the field of personology, business – consulting and business – design Anisimova Alisa Igorevna.

Target audience:
The training program is designed to:
Group A – from 7-8 years old.
Group B – from 10 years old,
Group C – 13-14 years old.

Form of training:
Individual and group face-to-face sessions with your child in the form of practical illustrated / game work of the psychologist and the child (Kiev).

Materials – provided by the psychologist.
After each session – the child is given homework to study and creative work to develop their Personality.

Requirements for parents to start the training:
1. the date, month and year of the child’s birth,
2. gender,
3. 4 electronic photos of your child: 2 faces and 2 full-length (so that you could see the physique) – for his/her physiognomic diagnostics, in order to determine the leadership potential.

Language of instruction:

Term of study.
The program consists of training lectures of 2 hours each.
If the child wishes and is interested, it is possible to continue training with him/her in this direction (individual master – trainings).
The schedule of work with the child is agreed with the psychologist.

Training Program.
Introduction – Diagnosing a child for leadership tendencies, leadership qualities. Determination of the CHILD’S ABILITIES, identification of hidden talents.
1. Formation of the perception of colors.
2. Skills of decorating individual objects.
3. Room design – what is it?
4. How to make a gift with your own hands?
5. Features of styles.
6. Feelings, intuition and decorations. Psychological game.
7. Creative decision making.
8. How to train your abilities?

Outcome at the end of the work with the child.
The child will learn:

– “creating a design”,
– determining what is “beautiful” and “stylish” (forming perception), how to work with it further,
– development of the sense of taste and harmony,
– work on the ability to clean the room and the culture of cleanliness – through beauty,
– working with colors,
– development of intuition,
– development of creative abilities, creative thinking and much more.

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