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Physiognomy: the “middle sex” phenomenon

In the human world, there are two sexes – male and female. …Yes, there are some exceptions, as birth of children with presence of both male and female sexual signs (such people are considered as hermaphrodites) – but to our theme, it has no relation.
Today, we will talk about physiognomy. And not just “face reading” or the meaning of eye shape – we will dig much deeper and consider “the phenomenon of the middle sex”. But about everything in order:


Physiognomy is an ancient science. It has a huge base of experience, researches, experiments and tools of human study.

Experts, in the field of studying of the person on his appearance (mainly faces) – are called physiognomists. And, physiognomist can be called only the person having the higher psychological education, possessing all closed methods of practical physiognomy at a level of the professional and having practiced at least 5 – 6 years in this area.
Many people assert that physiognomy is not a science, but it is spoken only by those who do not know about existence of scientific physiognomic methods and approaches to complex studying of a human being. And this knowledge is really protected from the common man by ancient system of Japan and China which allows their transfer only from teacher to pupil and watches that this knowledge remains closed and in any way did not leak to the outside world – becoming publicly accessible.
Physiognomy is not one single notion designating “reading/knowledge of nature” of human appearance (in particular, of a face) – there is a number of directions falling into the field of its studying. The essence of this group of knowledge is possessed only by experts in this area.

For example:

  • pathophysiognomy is the field of study of the nature of the development of abnormalities that are fixed on a person’s face (psychiatric diseases, personality disorders, altered states of consciousness, etc.);
  • physiognomy of the child’s face and pediatric pathophysiognomy are areas that study the development of the child up to the age of 15;
  • complex physiognomic analysis and detailed physiognomic analysis;
  • Trauma physiognomy – analyzing post-traumatic developments;
  • physiognomic socionics;
  • age physiognomy and much more.

When the person comprehends all this knowledge and studies experimental and diagnostic techniques of physiognomy – and with them, and real possibility to distinguish what many people do not even guess – it is difficult to assert that physiognomy is not a science. But let’s return to physiognomic phenomenon of “middle sex”.

The phenomenon of the “middle sex”

Today, I from position of the expert – physiognomist, will open a curtain of knowledge in the field of physiognomic phenomena, namely – phenomenon of “middle sex”.
Each person, as usual, has characteristic features of a face testifying about his belonging to the certain sex. For example, in women – it is expressed in softness, tenderness and refinement of forms, which prevail on their face.
In men – on the contrary, the leading features of the face are designed more roughly, with some weightiness (especially the jaw, forehead). All these parts of the face – have their own value, both separately and together. But. Also, people can have pronounced features peculiar to the opposite sex. For example, on the male face – there can prevail refined – aristocratic features (female qualities on physiognomic typology), and on the female face – on the contrary male rough, expressed by sharply outlined lines.
What then is called the phenomenon of “middle sex”?  The key indicator of its presence is the mixing of male and female facial features in one person, which significantly complicates the determination of his/her belonging to any gender at a glance (at the same time, his/her true gender is either male or female – without pathological changes).

Thus, the phenomenon of “middle sex” is a disorderly alternation of male and female features on a person’s face.

Our experiment

“The face is a reflection of a person’s spectrum”, i.e. his entire “color spectrum”. It and temperament, and character, it and abilities, diseases, potential, emotions and many other things. And mixing of features – have their specific characteristics proceeding from their physiognomic knowledge. How to be convinced on an example, that this phenomenon is not only facial appearance, but something more?
Specially for this purpose, on the basis of the Center for the Study of Personality (CSP), the experiment was conducted, the task of which was: to define the basic personal characteristics of people with the phenomenon of “middle sex” for comparison of the received results with physiognomic meaning of features of their faces (and to define possibilities of physiognomy).
Psychologists of the Center – observed the behavior of the subjects, their reactions, moods during the whole experimental period, which lasted 3 months.
The participants were 24 women and 20 men with the presence of this phenomenon. Age 20-28 (group A), 36-45 years old (group B).

The Center of studying of Personality – publishes to your attention only a part of the information received during experiment, as the research has a lot of data, indicators and parameters as a whole. Thus, closed technologies of physiognomy were applied.

The result obtained was as follows (excerpt from experiment #5\34):

1. Block. Accessory.

1. All men – referred themselves to men (without complaints and stating peculiarities of sexual life). But behaved softly and aesthetically. Interest in each other was shown in discussions of various topics.
2. Half of the women – admitted that “masculine” is closer to them – but did not show any attraction to the female sex. They were isolated during the whole experiment and tried to emphasize their independence.

Conclusion: additional diagnostics showed that men – were shy and did not tell the whole truth, despite the anonymous survey and diagnostics. Women – mostly told the truth.

2. Block. Personal characteristics.

1. Women of group A and men of group B are compliant, ready to compromise more readily.
2. easy-going – men of groups A and B.
3. Chose creative specialties (and creative task during the diagnosis) – men of groups A and B, and one third of women of group B.
4. Are impressionable, more emotional – men of group A.
5. Pragmatic – men of group A and women of group B.
6. Suspicious and jealous – men of group A more than men of group B.
7. Offensive – approximately the same rate for all. This can be explained by increased vulnerability, due to the influence of the phenomenon.
8. Aggressive – women of group A and B.
9. Vindictive – women of group A and B.
10. Reasonable – more men of group B, the others have approximately the same index.
11. Satisfied with themselves – more women of group B. The rest are not satisfied with themselves.
12. Active – women of group B and A.
13. Strive for beauty – men of group A. The others are skeptical about it.
14. Prone to radical actions – men of group A and women of group B.
15. Responsible – all have the same high score.
16. Kind – men of group B and A.
17. Responsive – men of group B and A.
18. Inclined to learn facts – women of group A and men of group A. 19.
19. They joke more often than others – women of group B and men of group A.
20. Study technical issues in depth – men of group B and women of group B.
21. Have psychological traumas – all.

According to the received results of this experiment, it is possible to state some compensator in behavior of men and women. In other words – they belong to one sex – but live with mixed, not definite and half sensations of themselves and, simultaneously of the opposite sex (as, in principle, and confirmed individual physiognomic studying of their faces with mixed features before the beginning of the given experiment). And it is vividly expressed in their behavior and positioning of themselves.

All values of facial features after individual physiognomic analysis – coincided with the results of the experiment obtained after 3 months.

As to sexual life of subjects – it is more correct not to discuss it, as to physiognomic research, many other directions in psychology will have to be added for the purpose of objective analysis of this question.

Thus, physiognomic research has allowed us to consider closer this phenomenon and to be convinced in ability of physiognomy to study people effectively. It is impossible to tell that people with phenomenon “middle sex” are sure in their own desires, but it is possible to tell that they doubt in their preferences.
Their features and the “face map” clearly indicate: what exactly each of them doubts. But the pattern of compensation (here, it means that a man corresponds more to a woman’s positioning of himself and vice versa) can be clearly seen from the data obtained.

Also, mixed perception of these people of happening around is traced. Exactly on this reason the phenomenon of “middle sex” in physiognomy remains the phenomenon.

Anisimova Alisa

A psychologist is a personologist, physiognomist

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