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Psychological balance of your own time

Liticia, 32, married, no children.

“I’m constantly running out of time. I go to work later than necessary – not having time to put on enough makeup, and then I don’t have time for the shuttle bus, which turns out to be jammed (because I left later than usual). But strangely, when I get off earlier, I still can’t get to work on time – there’s not enough time for anything!
…I arrive at work later than everyone else, I am constantly being penalized for wearing makeup in the workplace. And also – I always kept a diary, where I wrote down my plans – but never really used it – elementary not finding time for it.
…No, I’m not absent-minded. I remember everything, I do everything – but I’m late. Tardiness is my problem. Or do I have poor time management skills??? And what’s important – I really feel sorry for the time, I come home and scurry around the apartment until late at night – even though I only live with my husband, who has never been demanding of me….”

We do suffer quite often from the imbalance of our own time. Our moods get bad, our negativity builds up – due to the fact that we experience destructive emotions about tardiness and lapses. We get more tired. We become irritable and dissatisfied. And the next step is acceptance by our face (according to practical physiognomy) of embittered, discontented or exhausted expression which will repel from us surrounding people, and also close acquaintances. And this is the second real problem.
But not all people can properly plan their own time. That is why the psychological problem of disturbed balance of own time (according to the results of research conducted by the “Center for the Study of Personality” CSP in 2009) – is the starting point of a number of psychological disorders (somatic, ANS and even the cause of depression).

Systematization of your own time is necessary both at home and at work, because there is a caste of “ideal workers” who are not able to keep their own home in a decent condition and order. And there are people with perfect order at home, but catastrophically do not have time to fulfill their labor duties at work. And everyone has their own excuses and, as they are sure, their own problems. Although the problem is just one, which is the inability to plan their own time.

Ivana, 49 years old, private entrepreneur

“I am a successful businesswoman. I am comfortable and convenient to sit at work, where everything is cleaned and wiped down by the cleaners’ desk, where lunch is brought to the office, where you just do your work.
But my home is a mess! It’s scary to go into my apartment, even though it’s a designer’s renovation. All this garbage, dust.
Believe me, I tried… But I don’t even have time to wash a cup after myself.

If you do emphasize the work area – systematizing your time is a key business position. Remember the phrase “Time is money”? It is. But for this time to really turn into money, it must be valued, counted and used correctly.
The basic rule of successful people is proper case selection. What is it? This is lining things up in a prioritization table, i.e. which are the most important (first priority), which are important but not as urgently needed (second priority) and what needs to be done today during the day (third priority).

It is under this rule of “three priorities” (as it was called by the participants of the survey of the “Center for the Study of Personality“) – it is necessary to adjust your business day.

But if we take the personal sphere as a basis – then here the rules change, and the most profitable method of time planning (according to the results of the research of the “Center for the Study of Personality” in 2009) is the following system:

1.Rest from work activities. It can be intermittent (from 10 minutes to 20 minutes every hour), or it can be complete (which depends on the person’s daily schedule). But rest is the main thing to restore strength and normalize the tone for the next activity.
2. Cooking. Allocate a clear amount of time to prepare food. This is important to ensure rest.
3. Gathering for tomorrow. It does not matter who is going (children, husband, wife) somewhere tomorrow – the task is to spend no more than half an hour on this process – which often happens in parallel with cooking.
4. Control. Control is the final stage. Whether it is a check of the child’s lessons, or it is a targeted cleaning of the room – control will help to properly systematize any time.
5. “Error work.” It is done the next day to keep track of how much time and what was wasted. Don’t forget to do it. Especially when planning the weekend (grocery shopping, general cleaning, laundry).

According to the results of the CSP study, this system is universal. It is convenient both for a person working and for a freer person, which is regulated by the time intervals allocated for the fulfillment of certain tasks.

Thus, combining business – systematization of time and systematization of personal time – we get a unique for everyone psychological balance of own time, which will form the basis of the activity of Personality.

P.S. Temperament is an important component of human activity, as it regulates the dynamics of nervous processes. Someone is slow, someone – more dynamic. But as studies have shown, the above scheme helps a person to adapt time to his temperament, which gives hope for success!!!!

Anisimova Alisa
Psychologist – personologist, physiognomist.
Center for the Study of Personality

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