“How do we understand the nature of lips?” – thesis approach to the question
Theoretically, a person’s lips have several meanings in a physiognomic sense. But two key meanings are common.
Firstly, lips are considered to be an indicator of an individual’s ability to “communicate” or establish “contact” with the outside world, where the word “contact” means the whole range of possibilities of a given person to interest the interlocutor informatively and verbally.
By the shape of the lips (and there are many kinds and forms of lips, they vary in natural color, fullness, thickness, length, general and sectoral shape, surrounding wrinkles and lines, the shape of the smile), the attitude of their owner to the external environment is determined, namely:
– positive/negative perception of the world, people, situations in general;
– openness/closedness;
– place of priority: for people/for oneself;
– place of priority: material / non-material interests.
The second meaning is anything that can relate or relate to the realm of love (passion, availability, jealousy, possessiveness, openness, sincerity, etc.).
For example, if the shape of the lips is symmetrical (as a form of “bow” or “house”) – then a person is considered an adherent of aesthetics, a creative person who wants to surround himself with beauty, looking for beauty in the world around him.
Values of male lips – considerably differ from values of female lips, and also, physiognomist (the expert on studying of human face) takes into account – age features, features of nationality and social environment.
The state of a person’s lips can remain relatively constant throughout life (which has an extremely positive effect on the mental state of a person and his harmony with the outside world), and can change (bringing both discomfort and new life positioning), for example, under the influence of:
* diseases (to take a different shape, color) and physical interventions (traumas, surgical interventions of different nature, e.g. piercings);
* lack of care or improper care (too wet, too dry, cracking – while non-healing wounds form additional lines);
* addictions (biting, twisting, scratching, squeezing, etc.);
* artificial and harmful changes in appearance (poor quality cosmetics).
Thus, over time, in the presence of the factors listed above – unambiguously follows and changes in the attitude of the owner of the lips to the world around him.
In physiognomic analysis of lips (whatever methodology is used), the process can be divided conventionally into two parts:
How lips display feelings and emotions
Each separate mimic i.e. “external expression” of a face, has positive or negative coloring (that is marked in professional works on physiognomic studying by a sign “+” or “-“, and the mixed value of one reaction is designated “+/-” or “-/+” – depending on prevalence).
The first three options are smiles.
But how different they are in content, external perception and prognosis.
Now, let’s look at some interesting facial expressions of human emotions, sensations, feelings like:

Fig. 1.
Restraint (+), (Fig. 1) is an expression of suppression of emotions, feelings. In this case, it is an effort in relation to what caused the positive coloring of the mood. A little more and emotions will take over the state of control.

Haughtiness. (+/-), (Fig.2). In the picture, one can see a subtle demonstration of superiority and self-confidence – at the same time. Such a curve of the lips indicates interest and willingness to learn. Such people are inquisitive, but they are not always sincere to their loved ones.

Irony (+/-), (Fig.3) – a slight “touch” of a smile here indicates that the person does not really want to understand what is being discussed. At this moment of time, he is interested in his own external attractiveness, there is no mood for serious perception. Therefore, to talk about something really serious – now does not make much sense. Lips of a person in love and frivolous.

Delight and surprise (+/+), (Fig.4) – here it is a general reaction to the situation. Such frequent “fusions” usually indicate a person’s positive attitude towards the life situation. Two parallel positives strengthen a person’s immune system and positively influence a direct interlocutor.

Dissatisfaction (-) (Fig. 5.)- is an unambiguously negative reaction to a situation, person, environment. Frequent such emotional reaction can become a habit, if it “takes root” in the character as a leading reaction. Thus, such a person, outwardly, will have a dissatisfied look even in those moments when he is pleasant or cheerful. A certain “sourness” will later “poison the external manifestations”.

Doubt (thinking) (+/-), (Fig.6) – this visual manifestation is peculiar to people who evaluate, weigh and think. It is a habit more often caused on the one hand by children’s insecurity from the world, on the other hand by the creative component that helps and promotes optimal creative thinking and realization of plans.
The second sign is minus for the reason that positive thinking has other lip and muscle movement parameters.

vulgarity (-)- the protrusion of the lips, either constitutional (body structure) or as a consequence of the formation (adoption from the environment), speaks of the low intelligence of their owner.
If they are large – about weak notions of morality (moral qualities) and the problem of choice (for such people choice is really a huge problem), weak character, slowness and aggressiveness. Average (as in Fig. 7), speak about borrowing of manners and behavior, weak mental abilities. However, also about principle in relationships and jealousy.
If a person with such lips (Fig. 7) gets into the company of leaders – he quickly gives up intellectually, but defends his position physically, often demonstrates stubbornness.
Some teenagers, consider lips protrusion (in case of borrowing) as a sign of power, sexuality. But in physiognomy it is more demonstration of reflection, preparation for aggressive reaction.

Joy (+)- on (Fig.8) is an open and sincere demonstration of positive mood. The wider the smile, the more sincere the person reacts. By the smile – the inner positions and morbidity of a person, attitude to work, character traits are determined.

Perplexity (-). Perplexity can be with a plus sign and with a minus sign. In this case, it is a pre-aggressive reaction, combining aggression, lack of understanding of the situation, arrogant attitude directed against an external stimulus.
But judging by the shape of the lips, the person is interesting by his rash actions (a pronounced melancholic).

Tenderness (+). A positive and intriguing reaction. This manifestation is one of those that are hereditary (closer to naturalness). However, many women – lose this manifestation if they possess it (more often due to lack of need, fashionable tendencies for “independence”).
It is possible to acquire this manifestation, but it is necessary to work on yourself long enough, namely to change attitudes and habits (and this is the most difficult).
Case Study
In practice, consider the shape of a woman’s lips in Figure 11.

Brief physiognomic characteristic:
Anisimova Alisa
Psychologist – physiognomist