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Women in “sales”: practical experience of effective sales

Both men and women go their own way “in sales” in different ways, achieving the same results only with a difference in time, as the analysis of the situation shows – about half a year. And women are the leaders here.

Having traced the practice of the way of advancement in the sphere of sales process efficiency, women – non-specialists (according to the data of psychological research of CSP), come to the “stagnation phase” after 4 – 5 months of work in this sphere, after which they begin an immediate search for their own personal growth system (personal knowledge under individuality), thus leaving men – non-specialists in a similar “stagnation phase”, patiently waiting for random clients and salary increase, behind.

Successes in actual face-to-face sales
Women from 19-22 70%
Men from 19- 22 48%
Women from 25-30 82%
Men from 25- 30 60%
Success in on-line, telephone, information and consulting sales
Women from 20-30 95%
Men from 20- 30 80%

This stage “awareness + practical action” – can be considered the start of self-realization in the sphere of future practically and socially active women.

Any effect from the actual sale, for women, does not rest immediately in the amount of income, but gradually builds up, forming its resource in the sphere, and confidently gaining momentum. Psychologists compare this process with the growth of a child and deny the presence of a common stereotype of women “want everything at once!”
And despite the fact that the acquired system of knowledge, skills and abilities allows you to use the full breadth of maneuvers, “women in sales” as a rule, use only part of the arsenal for stable growth in sales.

The methods of “women’s sales” differ significantly from men’s by a certain mystery and, as a rule, have their own original handwriting. But the basis of “female sales” – is flexibility, as a leading quality (inherent in more women), allowing her to successfully maneuver up – being above the situation (controlling, directing the sale), then going down – “bending” under the client and giving him the right to lead the process.
Building a method for future “female” sales is also work, including the selection of tools for further practical application in the sales process.

In recent times, the “weapons” selected by women for successful sales – almost always corresponds to the expected attacks, maneuvers and strategies from customers. Women are not competing with men, they are just working hard on the bottom line.

Basic feminine and masculine qualities and traits as pros and cons for the sales field:

“+” “—”
Vigilant, attentive, proactive Overly demonstrative positioning
Flexibility Excessive typing
Resourcefulness and excitement Increased emotionality
Creativity Excessive softness
Diligence and diligence -quality of work Going around and around
Totally “put out” Talkativeness
Multidirectionality Intrusiveness
Intuitive methods Doubts
Ease of communication, verbal presentation of information Analyzing “how am I?”, increased focus on self
Smiling and outwardly favoring yourself Lack of stamina
Smooth positioning Inattention to customers’ wishes, passivity, lack of vigilance
No excessive
Difficulty switching from one thing to another, straightforwardness
Resistance to emotion Lack of excitement and ingenuity
Tightness/toughness A wait-and-see attitude prevails
Specifics Not diligent attitude, quality of work suffers
taciturnity It’s not fully “laid out”
Lack of intrusiveness Narrow scope of application of skills
Confidence Lack of intuitive methods
Concentration on the product issue Difficulties in verbal contact, lack of ease in communication
Stamina, imitation of outward calm Strict and often withdrawn

Thus, to persuade a business and practical woman to tell “about her methods” is not always a good idea, as they do not want to share secrets (except to remind that everything in life is given with difficulty), and it is understandable that they elementary do not have time.

However, a number of the most unusual and effective practical victories of “women in sales”, it was still possible to identify:

Professionalism “for sale” (the method is equally effective in working with both actual and potential buyers).

No one would argue that competence is the main and primary criterion for successful sales today. On this field – the most effective and large-scale deals are played, convenience is beautifully combined with getting results. And when a fragile woman understands deeply technical details of the issue, when she easily talks about aerodynamic properties or chemical composition, quality system and properties of materials – this is half the sale. This is a stupor, and thus a collapse of the stereotypical perception of the real representation of a woman as a salesperson. This means that there is a chance to “mold” the image for the perception of the client, which is desired by the selling party. Most large and successful companies use this method.

According to CSP data, women between the ages of 19 and 35 are among those working in sales:

Professionals in their field 45%
Professionals, but with inappropriate
About those who have taken additional courses or trainings 72.8%
Those wishing to obtain a new qualification 25%
Those who consider themselves to be good level professionals 36%
Those who think that they do not earn enough (with a salary of 1000$/month) 89%
Believing that they earn good money (with a salary up to 1000 $/month) 52%
Planning career development without being a manager (starting a career) 90%
Planning career development without being a manager (mid-career) 31%
Planning to further their careers by already being a


Women in sales position:
unequivocally superior due to the assertiveness present.

Client’s position:
is initially weaker, as the person is not ready for such a method from a “woman in sales”. However, the client may develop a defensive reaction and take a position “on top” if allowed to do so.

a reasoned variant of pressure on the client in all possible directions in order not to lose the position, to gain a foothold on it and to sell the product most often brings the process of “successful sale” to the end. If the client has allowed this method to be applied to himself, it is “his” product.

Oksana, 30, entrepreneur
“I am confident in my business qualities and as for convincing “in a masculine way”, this is my niche of work. I am open to communication, compromise, do not demonstrate feminine features, behave simply and quite specifically. I prefer classical negotiation process and active work instead of unsubstantiated promises. Men respect men, so you have to “play by their rules” and you are doomed to win”.

The “tweak” or “non-compete” method (designed to sell products to any type of customer).
It is popular with women in situations where there is no way to “feel” the client and understand what he wants. The essence of the method is a game called “look at this…or not this…and this…”. In other words – a woman “does not know” all the features of the product, because she is … a woman, so she offers what she sees / has in the assortment / in stock.
Customers who are professionally knowledgeable about the product, and those who are a little better (as it seems to them) aware of the issue under discussion – often flattered by this approach, as it emphasizes their undoubted professionalism and gives the opportunity to assert themselves at the expense of the woman-seller “enlightening” and initiating her into the details, advantages and disadvantages of this or that product (which is often really useful even for the most competent “women in sales”).


Women in sales position:
sagging, weak, soft, bribing, revealing, encouraging candor on the part of the client.

Client’s position:
“from above.” He “leads” the process.

The customer buys because they “want it for themselves”, thus shaping the method of selling.

Nika, 23 years old, Chief Consultant – Deputy Head of Sales Department of the Company

“I never choose an approach to clients immediately and unambiguously. I always “adjust” gradually, “poking around” by product and direction. I confuse brands and invoices on purpose, although no one in the company knows them better than me, as I am a materially responsible person and have been working for four years. Every customer teaches me, but never insults me, as I look 18 years old and “sincerely try to please”. My sales style is an effective one in wholesaling as well, as I always “play” the price by being completely “unsure” of its truth. Thanks to this, my bonus is twice my salary”.

Soft-sell method (more emphasis on the immediate sale).
To give in and to go to a meeting are considered to be “purely” feminine qualities. It is possible to persuade a man to “give in”, but the process causes discomfort from a possible and often unambiguous answer “no!”. And a woman’s “no” is almost always “…yes, but I’m not the mistress…well, okay, for 2 hryvnias…”. – and that’s nice. The buyer can not change his mind, because he “won” and knocked down the price to the desired or at least a little.


Women in sales position:
weak, sagging, inferior.

Client’s position:
Superior, regulating, making the seller dependent on his desire, pressurizing.

The client takes the initiative to start the interaction of the system “seller-buyer”, thus he “himself” creates the conditions for the purchase of goods and having created them – makes this purchase.

Lena, 25 years old, wholesale supplier and realizer of cosmetics

“I give in because it’s both pleasant and profitable. And I have sold, and the client is satisfied. In addition, I always demonstrate the “possibility” of lowering the price visually, it can be seen by my eyes, by hesitation, by thinking over the goods. No special sales records – I don’t break any, but stable earnings for me and my employees are constant.”

According to CSP data, women in “sales” are between the ages of 19 and 35:

Using “their own methods” in working with clients 31%
Not using (but willing to learn) 7%

Each woman chooses her own method of “successful selling”, selects what is closer to her and succeeds better.
But, summarizing this topic, still interesting is that part of the arsenal of “women in sales”, which so often remains closed for understanding on the part of customers/buyers/partners, but for psychologists unambiguously acts as a phenomenon. Such a phenomenon, according to the results of psychological analysis is the fact that during transactions (contact-establishing dialog between the client and the seller) “woman in sales” works, first of all…on herself, only then on the product. The main attention of the client is naturally switched to “selling a woman’s individuality” (personality, beauty, specialist, fashionista, etc.) – which makes the sale special and unambiguously successful. As a result, the product being sold is perceived by the client as something more, having passed through the individuality of the “woman in sales” and only then is presented to him as a direct object of purchase or a pretext for communication with a woman as – at that moment – an integral part of the fact of buying this product.

According to a survey conducted by CSP:

Women consciously self-present more of themselves than products 64%
Never thought of that 2%
According to men, “a woman presents herself more.” 92%

“Men in sales” focus the attention of the “potential” or “real” customer purely on the product, on the features, on anything but themselves, hence, the transaction is not personalized, and therefore, without the emotional-soul grain necessary for the harmonious completion of a person’s passage from the desire to buy to the fact-action in the form of a purchase.

As a result, the woman sells the client the goods under the “color of the eyes” and “in the tone of the soul”, already acting as an effective strategic tool of psychological impact on the buyer, and the man tries to reach the end of the working day and find a new “training of successful sales” in the newspaper of free ads.

Anisimova Alisa

Psychologist – personologist, physiognomist

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